Happy Valentine’s Day, Lovelies! We hope you’re enjoying this romantic holiday! (or at least eating all the chocolate) We were super excited (ok, Tiffany was super excited) to put together this holiday special for you in honor of Valentine’s Day and the premier of our 20th episode. If you’re curious, below are a few of the articles Tiffany found during her research of spectrophilia:

If you were wondering what wine Rebecca was drinking during this episode, it was Bota Box’s Nighthawk Black.

Finally, if you haven’t, the Ladies would be incredibly grateful if you could rate the should where ever you source your podcast. Not only does it help us know that you’re enjoying the show, but it helps others find the show.


This week’s Drink Break is brought to you by the lovely hosts of KinkCast! Tiffany found them during her research for this episode and recommends that you hear their take on Spectrophilia. You can listen to that episode by Clicking Here. For more episodes, click on their logo to find them on iTunes, or search for them wherever you source your podcasts.