Hello, Lovelies! This week you’ll find the pictures of Dr. Martin Couney and his incubators! Also known by the incredible word “Kinderbrutanstalt” (the child hatchery!). Seriously, that word is awesome.
REMINDER: These pictures were taken in a medical setting of premies. If that’s something that you’re not comfortable with go ahead and skip this blog post. 🙂
This week’s drink break is brought to you by the Me, My Demon, and I podcast! Me, My Demon, and I is an original horror-comedy. We join Johnny, a down on his luck guy who, one morning, finds out he’s been possessed by a demon. Click Here to check out the show!

Dr. Martin Couney saved the lives of many babies at the 1937 New York World’s Fair with his incubators. The New York Public Library

Martin and Hildegarde Couney with a young boy observe an incubator baby in the Couneys’ care. via New York Public Library Digital Collections